Every year, newborn babies are being abandoned in Germany.
How often have you heard or read about this?
How high do you think the dark figure is?
Every incident is one too many !
The baby hatch is a special assistance program for mothers and babys in distress as well as women who face a grave crisis and can see no other solution but to give away their new-born child in caring hands.
The baby hatch is located at St. Ansgar Hospital, Brenkhäuser Str. 71 in Höxter.
It can be accessed 24/7 and was set up by the organization "Baby Fenster im Kreis Höxter e.V.".
For help and/or personal counselling please contact
the Schwangerschaftsberatung des Caritasverbands für den Kreis Höxter,
the Sozialdienst kath. Frauen or
the Frühe Hilfen des Jugendamts für den Kreis Höxter.
The baby hatch is meant as a last resort.
Please also consider the possibility of a
confidential birth
to ensure the well-being of you and your child.
at St. Ansgar Krankenhaus Höxter
Tel.: 0 52 71 / 66 - 182 440
donation account at Sparkasse Höxter
Baby Fenster im Kreis Höxter e.V.
IBAN: DE81 4725 1550 0000 0192 99